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2pm - 4pm

6th October



Wildflower and Bird Walk starting at 2pm. Guided walk around Winnejup Reserve on the Blackwood River, about 2 hours. An interesting range of flora is found at this reserve. Vegetation changes from old growth jarrah woodland on deep sand, to denser shrubland along the river and a rocky dolerite hill with low heath and herbs. A good variety of birds are found here due to the diversity of habitats and abundance of tree hollows. 

Travel about 6km from Bridgetown on the Bridgetown - Boyup Brook Rd, turning right into Winnejup Rd, then drive about 14km to the Blackwood River and park on the east side of Winnejup Bridge. An easy walking track takes us to view the river and waterbirds, then around the reserve to observe the different wildflowers and bushbirds. The walk up the hill is a little uneven and not well defined but is well worth the effort. 

Wear sturdy shoes, no dogs please. $5 includes light refreshments. To book please contact Erica Shedley, Southern Flora Wildflower and Bird Tours, phone 0437 872 954.

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